Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What a load of rubbish... what we want to know!

Room 6 has been working hard trying to define what we are going to explore to help solve our problem and key question. Thank you to those who commented on our last blog. Your comments helped direct our inquiry questions.

Scenario: PHS has a problem. The bins are full. There is no place for waste. What do we do?

Key Question: What can we rethink, reduce, reuse and recycle.

Have a look at the video to see the questions we created to help answer our key question and solve the problem.

Can you help us answer any of the questions?

1 comment:

  1. Room 6 and Miss C...
    You have thought very hard about what questions you are going to ask in your inquiry. I am trying hard to reuse clearfiles... today I managed to empty 5 clearfiles to reuse and I am putting the paper from the clearfiles into the paper recycling bin. I am looking forward to seeing what you reuse and recycle
    from Mrs Driver
